Monday, January 8, 2018

Punk Monday... Because The System Still Sucks

I was listening to some old Crass albums the other day and decided to do this thread. 

There are some who say Crass was the only real Punk band because they actually walked the talk.  Fighting to make the world a better place while advocating for self-reliance wasn't just a fashion statement or virtue signaling for the men and women in Crass.  They did their best to live it. 

There was a time when I tried to live it too.  Still do for the most part, the main difference between now and then being that I no longer believe we can influence the overlords who are running this shit show on Planet Earth. 

So I'm doing this thread for nostalgia's sake... for a time when some of us still hoped that we could change the world. 

Not that everyone has to play some Punk tunes.  Anything goes.  There are no rules.  That's part of the Punk ethos... at least in theory.  And if someone wants to play a few tunes to honor Elvis on his birthday, that's cool too. 

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