Monday, November 13, 2017

All Aboard!

One of the things that pisses me off about this country is the lack of a decent passenger rail system.  If you're not on the East Coast or traveling down the Mississippi River from Chicago to New Orleans, trying to do any long distance traveling by train is a pain in the ass, if not downright impossible.  And that's a shame because trains beat planes when it comes to mass transit, no ifs, ands or buts about it.  Sure, it takes a little longer but you feel so much better when you reach your destination.  You can get up and walk around on a train.  The seats are comfortable, the food is good and the people tend to be friendly because they aren't stressed out.  Don't like the person sitting next to you?  Go hang out in the dining car.  You'll find someone to talk to.

So I'm going to start this week out by playing songs about trains.  You can do the same or you can go off in your own direction.  That's how it is on a train.  You're free to move around.

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