Sunday, February 10, 2019

Just Folks

Israel "Izzy" Young was a music lover who founded the Folklore Center in Greenwich Village in 1957.  Some of the artists who performed at the Folklore Center, or who simply browsed through the books and records, included Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Tim Buckley, Phil Ochs, John Sebastian and Joni Mitchell, to name a few.  Indeed, it was Izzy who organized Dylan's first concert in New York City.

Izzy was a bit of a rabble-rouser too.  In 1961, when the Park Commissioner stopped issuing permits for folk musicians to play in Washington Park, Izzy led what would become known as the "Beatnik Riot", although it really wasn't much of a riot unless you include the actions of the cops who got a little pushy.  Izzy continued fighting the good fight in court, eventually getting the ban removed.

In 1973, Izzy moved to Stockholm, Sweden, where he owned and operated a second Folklore Center until his death last Monday, February 4th, at the ripe old age of 90.

Seems only fitting to pay tribute to Izzy and to the music that he loved.

Think I'll start things off with Tim Buckley.

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