Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Hey! You Busy?

I've got xxx amount of data accumulated on 9-11. Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon, OKC Bombing, Las Vegas, etc. that I need to find an emergency shelter for, or it's gone.

You see, #2's just grown too old, slow, and worthless to justify the peddling (if you knew anything about how we generate electricity here in the cornfield, you'd understand).

So I gotta move #3 into #2's slot. But #3's got it's own load.

Ok. I digress.

I'm gonna miss all the shit I'll lose. But it's ok. Three years from now I won't even remember I had it in the first place.

Pretty lame way to say "I've been busy, and won't really be around for a little more", huh?

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